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A Journal Entry by Megan

Trip: "Polar to Solar" Spring Outdoor Ed '14


Teachers: Travis Moore and Andre Wille

Medium: Creative Journaling

23 April 2014

Every time I have traveled into the desert it never ceases to amaze me. From the highway and dirt roads the thought always crosses my mind of how barren and dry the land is. Not a single tree for refreshing shade or a patch of green grass. No, just sand, rocks, more sand, and then some scrawny shrubbery. Yet, with a knowledgeable guide the treasures of the desert can be discovered. Over Polar to Solar I am reminded of this again. My solid group and myself swung our massive packs over our backs ready for our quest into the canyons.Currently we were on arid ground that was being dutifully quenched by the sun. As we began our wobbly steps with our backpacks swaying our trustee leader, Andre, led us not on any path, but straight into the dessert. There seemed to be no target in mind with just rolling hills in front of us. With every step though we kept going deeper into the earth. Our line of troops winded and curved along a dried up waterbed. Eventually, sandy walls began to encage us into a canyon. This is where I would spend the next week bonding with classmates, conquering canyon heights, slithering through slot canyons, and ultimately, learning to appreciate the desert more.

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