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Margy's Hut

Summer ended suddenly and before I knew it I was with my 6th grade class starting an outdoor adventure.The bonding began as we started the hike to Margy’s Hut. Two hours later I heard unfortunate news that made me want to cry: we had not gone two miles yet, and I wanted to quit. I understood that if I was going to make it, I would have to talk to someone to make the time go by. I went over to Tyger and walked with him, and one hour later we were half way. I was happy to have a break but sad to only have gone half way in three hours! Then I realized that my pack's weight must have been around 40 pounds. We kept going and before I knew it we were one mile away. I was so happy I almost fell down with excitement. It really only took us about 20 minutes to walk the final mile, but to me it felt like an hour. l finally saw the hut and I felt relief and happiness. I ran to it and for the first time in six hours I felt like my legs worked. I was so happy, but I also felt something else: that feeling was accomplishment. I was proud of my class, and I am not going to lie, I was proud of myself too.

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