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May 15 ­ First Day on the River: Late Afternoon

The rush of frantic paddling ceases, and the waters calm to stillness as we finally break through the seemingly endless funnel of harsh wind. We drift along in the rippling shadows of the high canyon towering above us, a feeling of weary accomplishment slowly spreading throughout our beings. As we round the jagged corner ahead, a bright flash of light enters our vision. The sudden light quickly fades, and a comfortable silence overtakes the boat.

The sun’s rays sparkle gently on the surface of the gelid water, turning the cool, muddy fluid into a magnificent pool of shining gems. The banks of the river are lush with vegetation, dense copses of trees and grasses engulfing the narrow stretch of land with verdant life. Majestic canyon walls stand proud and justified, as aureate light floods the entire area with a warm, rich glow. All was quiet except for the rhythmic hum of the insects over the current and the occasional splash of a stray paddle.

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