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Drink the Wild Air

Trip: "Polar to Solar" Outdoor Ed, Spring 2014

Location: Mount Sopris and Moonwash Gulch, UT

Teachers: Travis Moore and Andre Wille

Medium: Creative Journaling

Drink the Wild Air

Nature almost seems to be a rejuvenating cleanser. Past worries and regrets seem to melt away into the soft sugar-plum wisps of the clouds right before dusk. The silence of the canyons fill the mind with a blank new feeling. Fresh and crisp with a bright sense of hope. Hope for tomorrow, but hope for right now in this moment. Simultaneously emptied and filled with the satisfying nothingness of the open air and lingering thoughts. The soul seems to beat on a calming energy: the tone of nature, of ones self, only accepted subconsciously. I am determined to immerse myself in these kinds of happiness as much as I can, not as a chore or a race, but a timeless journey. Adventuring until the end. Living vicariously. I would rather die fearless than live empty. In my grave my eyes will be spilling over with the images of the spectacular. Poor them out and you will see an array of the most magnificent postcards. Forever chasing sunsets.

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